
Performance review without any reviewing

I’m still heated after today. To start, I work at a call center where we get annual performance reviews with our supervisors and determine how much of a raise we will get. On average, raises would be between 35-60 cents (sometimes $1.75 if you hit certain initiatives). Even for someone who is a lower performer, they at least get a quarter and then some. Me? Well, I got a 10-cent raise…… Why? I had a supervisor last year who was by far the least professional leader I’ve ever worked with. For the whole 9 months, I worked with him he was never available to reach out, our ‘coaching’ sessions would be him talking about “implementing call center behaviours” without even trying to help me with issues to improve on. He would make crude jokes all the time and is rude to the other agents. When it comes to performance reviews,…

I’m still heated after today. To start, I work at a call center where we get annual performance reviews with our supervisors and determine how much of a raise we will get.

On average, raises would be between 35-60 cents (sometimes $1.75 if you hit certain initiatives). Even for someone who is a lower performer, they at least get a quarter and then some.

Me? Well, I got a 10-cent raise……

Why? I had a supervisor last year who was by far the least professional leader I’ve ever worked with. For the whole 9 months, I worked with him he was never available to reach out, our ‘coaching’ sessions would be him talking about “implementing call center behaviours” without even trying to help me with issues to improve on. He would make crude jokes all the time and is rude to the other agents.

When it comes to performance reviews, supervisors will sit one on one with agents and discuss the scores, and the comments the supervisor left and answer any discrepancies. All my supervisor ever told me was “oh your performance review is coming up”, which follows him calling off work multiple times and never meeting with me one on one.

For the end of 2022, he was pretty hard to get a hold of in general….

An opportunity to move to another department in the call center came and given how frustrating it was to work with this guy, I applied; was interviewed by the department manager; and landed the new job.

My new supervisor emailed me this so-called “performance review” from my old supervisor and he gave me a very low score with no explanation whatsoever. I even had to reach out if he did actually have anything written but apparently he doesn’t. He probably never fucking did.

I was talking to my friends about what happened. He was shocked but he was telling me I don’t have much of a chance fighting this since he had his pay raise cut and his boss is still fighting it, apparently.

Maybe he’s right but I feel I can’t let this go. It’s beyond absurd some lazy supervisor decides to be a jerk and get away with it.

Do I really stand a chance in fighting for a reasonable raise?

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