
personal hours don’t exist when you’re salaried

I requested 2 hours of personal time for the middle of the workday on ADP, and added the out of office time to my calendar a week in advance. I checked in with my manager day of to make sure they remembered I was out of office for a bit, and they told me I didn't need to submit the time and that personal hours were handled outside of ADP. Okayyy, sure. I asked what exactly theh meant by this. After a few minutes of talking without actually saying anything, they finally got to their point that since I was salaried I could take some time for appointments as needed, as long as I made up those hours elsewhere during the week. I said no, I was using my personal hours contracted to me for the year. They said no, since I was salaried I was able to be flexible…

I requested 2 hours of personal time for the middle of the workday on ADP, and added the out of office time to my calendar a week in advance.

I checked in with my manager day of to make sure they remembered I was out of office for a bit, and they told me I didn't need to submit the time and that personal hours were handled outside of ADP.

Okayyy, sure. I asked what exactly theh meant by this. After a few minutes of talking without actually saying anything, they finally got to their point that since I was salaried I could take some time for appointments as needed, as long as I made up those hours elsewhere during the week.

I said no, I was using my personal hours contracted to me for the year. They said no, since I was salaried I was able to be flexible with my time and make it up elsewhere.

I said NO, I was using personal hours, and those didn't have to be “made up” since it's time off. They said personal hours weren't like vacation time, and shouldn't be used like that. They said our company didn't want us using taking a few hours here and there, instead wanted us to use them as 8 hour chunks off. “So, like vacation time?” I asked.
“No, it's not vacation time.”


ended up talking with HR and I was right.

this manager has been at the company 10 years btw. tired of being dismissed by veteran folks who think they know everything.

This manager also has a history of making employees stay late or arrive extra early since we're “salaried and expected to be flexible”, but gets upset when that flexibility is used in favor of employees leaving early.

use your personal hours people, every last one.

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