
physical, office work and gym

I prefer labor over working in an office. But after a bite o thought figure applies to both. So we all got the gym, now when we work out intensely we usually go for 15-45min at a time depending on how hard we going, and the take a breather. We do it because every gym coach has told us that if u don't that is how u fuck urself up. I never understood how employers expect u to bust ass for 2hrs straight before letting u take a 10min break. I go backpacking… When I am humping 80lbs out in bumfuck I take a 10min every hour or less depending on terrain, just to let my feet breathcooloff, hydrate, fuel, and deep breath. I always take an hour for Lunch. Why the hell people think it's okay to work anyone 2hrs strait with no break with only a 30min lunch.…

I prefer labor over working in an office. But after a bite o thought figure applies to both.

So we all got the gym, now when we work out intensely we usually go for 15-45min at a time depending on how hard we going, and the take a breather. We do it because every gym coach has told us that if u don't that is how u fuck urself up.

I never understood how employers expect u to bust ass for 2hrs straight before letting u take a 10min break. I go backpacking… When I am humping 80lbs out in bumfuck I take a 10min every hour or less depending on terrain, just to let my feet breathcooloff, hydrate, fuel, and deep breath. I always take an hour for Lunch.

Why the hell people think it's okay to work anyone 2hrs strait with no break with only a 30min lunch. U talk to any gym coach and ask em to watch a physical job during a shift. I am pretty sure if u asked him to pretend it was a sport instead of a job, he would tell u that u are going to fuck up your players.

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