
PIP’ed after 2 month. Am I at fault in any way…or was I fucked from the beginning?

Thoughts on my situation? PIP after 2 months. I started a new role end of November. Since then, there have been a surplus amount of red flags. Was there anything I did that was in the wrong or could have prevented this? See below: -In my final interview out of 4, the person interviewing me told me point blank “I understand why you left your first job at the advertising agencies so quickly, but why would you leave Meta?!” (I worked at Meta previously) -In my final interview, they completely bait and switched my role. I was interviewing for a Sales role, and final interview they switched me to a department I had no experience in. I was still hired as a manager. -First week into the job, my manager told me she was “tired of this shit” and wanted to quit and be a stay at home wife (she’s…

Thoughts on my situation? PIP after 2 months.

I started a new role end of November. Since then, there have been a surplus amount of red flags. Was there anything I did that was in the wrong or could have prevented this? See below:

-In my final interview out of 4, the person interviewing me told me point blank “I understand why you left your first job at the advertising agencies so quickly, but why would you leave Meta?!” (I worked at Meta previously)

-In my final interview, they completely bait and switched my role. I was interviewing for a Sales role, and final interview they switched me to a department I had no experience in. I was still hired as a manager.

-First week into the job, my manager told me she was “tired of this shit” and wanted to quit and be a stay at home wife (she’s still single currently…)

-In my second week, my manager and I went out to lunch. During this lunch, she gossiped to me the entire time about other members of the company and was exposing all of their flaws to me.

-We began a project my second week and it just concluded now. The entire project consisted of copying and pasting information into the cells of close to 5,000 rows of google sheets. Due to my managers disorganization, we had to start this project over three times.

-Final thing: my manager was caught altering and deleting team members work. For example, she would go into the shared Google sheets file at nighttime or on our day off such as MLK day and delete or alter other peoples work, including mine. She would then blame that individual for making an error. We discovered this through the version history. When I confronted her on this, she denied having any malicious intent.
-When HR was notified last week of her behavior, they did nothing. Today I was put on a PIP with no concrete information on it.

Note- I was part of the mass tech layoffs and had no choice but to accept this job despite the red flags. I’m starting to self doubt now, and wonder if I was the issue in any way here, or if I was fucked from the start.

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