
Pissy team lead called me

So, my team lead just called me to talk about a report that is due. She also had another supervisor on the line so that I “could explain a few things.” Team lead took the responsibility two months ago to work on a report. I’ve been responsible for this report for the last several years. It takes me a few hours to complete it. Team lead has spent the last few weeks asking everyone except me for resources and examples of reports. Also, wanted to know how I scored projects for this report. I stopped trying to talk while on this call, since I was talked over anyway. While on this call, I emailed the lead with examples of scoring tables and resources that I use. In the body of the email, I wrote, “next time you have questions for this, come to me and save some time.” Rant over.…

So, my team lead just called me to talk about a report that is due. She also had another supervisor on the line so that I “could explain a few things.” Team lead took the responsibility two months ago to work on a report. I’ve been responsible for this report for the last several years. It takes me a few hours to complete it.

Team lead has spent the last few weeks asking everyone except me for resources and examples of reports. Also, wanted to know how I scored projects for this report.

I stopped trying to talk while on this call, since I was talked over anyway. While on this call, I emailed the lead with examples of scoring tables and resources that I use. In the body of the email, I wrote, “next time you have questions for this, come to me and save some time.”

Rant over. Thanks.

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