
Planning to Hand my Notice Into Work and Not Work Again

Not work again in the traditional sense, anyway. Who's been here before, who can shine some wisdom my way? Perhaps someone else has been in a similar situation. I've been working in my current job for a bit over 3 years. I do ecom management. For nearly the last year I have felt bored with my work. Boring has slowly turned to frustration, and frustration has now become anger. A few months back I was going to quit and basically told my boss I am going to leave unless he paid me more. I felt exploited and undervalued, considering the money I was helping the business make. My boss obliged and gave me a decent wage increase. Now fast forward a few months… I thought I felt better about it at first after the wage increase, but I've come to learn that working and dedicating a career to another person…

Not work again in the traditional sense, anyway.

Who's been here before, who can shine some wisdom my way? Perhaps someone else has been in a similar situation.

I've been working in my current job for a bit over 3 years. I do ecom management. For nearly the last year I have felt bored with my work. Boring has slowly turned to frustration, and frustration has now become anger. A few months back I was going to quit and basically told my boss I am going to leave unless he paid me more. I felt exploited and undervalued, considering the money I was helping the business make. My boss obliged and gave me a decent wage increase.

Now fast forward a few months… I thought I felt better about it at first after the wage increase, but I've come to learn that working and dedicating a career to another person or persons business for only a piece of the pie is not something I feel good about. The more I've focused in on this, the more it has frustrated me. Things I used to not care about now anger me. I get seriously annoyed when I'm asked to do things outside of my remit and I have a general feeling of uneasiness and unhappiness and just general inability to put in effort and concentrate when at work, and I never used to be like this. I'm now half way through my twenties, maybe the thought of not being where I want to be in life is taking a toll on me. Whatever the case, work is making me feel shitty and it's effecting the rest of my life.

I've looked at other jobs and I actually get offers all the time on LinkedIn, and have considered pursuing another opportunity, but no matter how favorable the terms of employment are I can't help but think it's just the same shit I'm doing, dressed differently. Which in the end, is just a job and will come along with a lot of the frustrations and annoyances already present in my current job – it's pointless it's just another shitty rehashed situation.

Everyone I have told thinks I am crazy wanting to quit my job. People think I have a lot of potential, and that the business I'm in has the ability to be big, fair enough it probably does but I am done putting on a happy face and putting my current happiness at the expense of future potential that I'm not even fully invested in.

I have two side hustles that I have been doing the last few months. Together and if I dedicated a little more time I could substitute 50-60% of my current income tomorrow. Things will be tight for me, but it will see me through and cover my bills and allow me to sustain myself. That will also allow me to have total freedom of my time. The way I see it, is I can put up with living tight if I am working towards building my income.

What do you guys think? I feel like I could be making a mistake because everyone else tells me its a bad choice and it would be better for me to stick it out. But in reality for me I really don't want to work for somebody else again, I feel like I have the potential to be completely self employed on a good income. I'm sure there's a bunch of you here that can relate to this situation. Currently I am just nervous about the prospect of being voluntarily unemployed for the first time in my adult life with no back up plan. What would you say to me?

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