
Planning to quit this shit show..

To keep this short.. Worked 6 months in a cleanroom, asked to be transferred to the warehouse since they needed people there. I was interviewed and got the job. 13 months later, 7 people needed to be transferred from the warehouse (as covid was a big business for the company, but no longer). I was the first one, the other 6 never got transferred for whatever reason.. unfair. I let it be, never complained. I was transferred to export. Now 6 months later, all of a sudden, they “need” me in the cleanroom. It will “only be every now and again”. Yet I found out that there is a new opening in export, that of “cell-leader”. A job i have actually been doing for the last 6 months without the pay associated with it. What's worse: other people have been offered the job. Literally been offered the job.. thankfully they…

To keep this short..

Worked 6 months in a cleanroom, asked to be transferred to the warehouse since they needed people there. I was interviewed and got the job. 13 months later, 7 people needed to be transferred from the warehouse (as covid was a big business for the company, but no longer). I was the first one, the other 6 never got transferred for whatever reason.. unfair. I let it be, never complained. I was transferred to export.

Now 6 months later, all of a sudden, they “need” me in the cleanroom. It will “only be every now and again”.

Yet I found out that there is a new opening in export, that of “cell-leader”. A job i have actually been doing for the last 6 months without the pay associated with it. What's worse: other people have been offered the job. Literally been offered the job.. thankfully they have said no so far. There are only two spots total at this moment in this division and one is taken by my colleague who has a specific contract that ensures he can not be transferred. The other position is taken by me. The position of cell leader will then take up my position if they won't make me the cell leader, which sounds unlikely as they are offering the job to their favourite pets.

They are literally fucking with me.

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