
Playing a game we don’t want to play

That’s capitalism. “Oh but if you hate capitalism why do you participate?“ because we don’t have a choice. Well we do, but the choice is participate or starve to death, so that’s not really a choice is it. “Huh you hate capitalism but you consume something that isn’t a complete necessity?” Again, I live an existence that forces me to participate in a system that thrives off the exploitation of millions- I should be allowed to try and add value to this life however I can. See, it’s ok to critique the system you’re forced to be a part of. It’s a game we HAVE to play or die. We have to try and get better paying jobs for the sake of our own livelihood and our own family; we have to save and invest to try and prepare for that one medical bill that could land us on the…

That’s capitalism. “Oh but if you hate capitalism why do you participate?“ because we don’t have a choice. Well we do, but the choice is participate or starve to death, so that’s not really a choice is it. “Huh you hate capitalism but you consume something that isn’t a complete necessity?” Again, I live an existence that forces me to participate in a system that thrives off the exploitation of millions- I should be allowed to try and add value to this life however I can.

See, it’s ok to critique the system you’re forced to be a part of. It’s a game we HAVE to play or die. We have to try and get better paying jobs for the sake of our own livelihood and our own family; we have to save and invest to try and prepare for that one medical bill that could land us on the streets; we HAVE to because there are no other options.

But we can dream of those options, and we can fight for them and vote for them and rally for them and demand change all while having to participate in our current system- and you shouldn’t feel guilty for having to do what you have to to survive. It’s our unfortunate truth- but it won’t always be.

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