I am a recent college grad (21F) and work corporate job (9-5). Have been working for about 4 months now.
Everyday after work, I am always worried about how I am going to do that task tomorrow. What i am going to say in that meeting. What will happen to that file, how will I run that code, yada yada yada. I just can’t mute my mind.
I work from home and after I log off for the day, I don’t even go to the room where I work from. I keep my laptop away from my sight, but it still doesn’t help.
I keep thinking of work and only work. I exercise, watch TikTok, check reddit, read books, use social media, go out with friends, go on runs with my dog, but I just can’t focus. All i can think of is work.
My Sundays are full of Pre-Monday thoughts. I see work and meetings in my dreams. I randomly hear teams ringtone inside my head (like that thing gives me anxiety). I can’t even sleep at night (usually up by 4am). I have tried using my days off and going to vacation, going to office and not bringing laptop home. Nothings helping.
I am actually genuinely about to go crazy
Please help.