
Please help my boss is awful

I work at a small grocery store. My boss is an old nasty man who has been fired from this company before for sexual harassment. Idk how he was rehired, this was a while back. Anyway, he says nasty shit to the women, like “what you doing playing with yourself?” He has told me I’m sexy, puts his hand on our lower back and holds it there, among other things. Recently one of the younger girls (18) turned him in for it. The big boss TOLD THE MANAGER who called, and let my manager pick a few people to talk to him (investigate) so he was informed beforehand, he sent his 2 pets who, of course didn’t say anything, and on top of that sent a man to talk to them. So the whole thing got swept under the rug. I was LIVID. So my husband called the employee hot…

I work at a small grocery store. My boss is an old nasty man who has been fired from this company before for sexual harassment.
Idk how he was rehired, this was a while back. Anyway, he says nasty shit to the women, like “what you doing playing with yourself?” He has told me I’m sexy, puts his hand on our lower back and holds it there, among other things.

Recently one of the younger girls (18) turned him in for it.
The big boss TOLD THE MANAGER who called, and let my manager pick a few people to talk to him (investigate) so he was informed beforehand, he sent his 2 pets who, of course didn’t say anything, and on top of that sent a man to talk to them.

So the whole thing got swept under the rug. I was LIVID.
So my husband called the employee hot line and informed them what was going on, and they better fix it.

I live in the Bible Belt. This place is a ran by old men it’s like a patriarchy.
2 of us asked for a raise, but we’re denied since “our husband makes enough”

The woman got less of a Christmas bonus than the men, and also get paid less.
I got most of the girls together and we all talked to hr. We were recorded, and they asked us to write statements and email them, which we did this morning.

The big boss warned him yet again who called, and what was going on. So he bought pizza and has been being nice

Now he’s taking a week of “vacation” I’m sure till things blow over.

What can we do? Obviously nothing is going to be done, yet again.

Do we contact the labor board? I’m seriously thinking about calling our news reporter.

He’s known for this, and they know it!

Please forgive grammar etc.
Edited to add stuff

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