
Please Help Work forces me to come in sick

Hey folks I need help I’m a 21 year old college student and I got the flu (not covid) and was told I either come in or get fired. I live in an at will state so they could have legally fired me. Now two days of work later and my flu worsened into pnemonia I think because I’ve been doing manual labor and not sleeping due to shifts. Do I have any recourse? I’m going in to the hospital today but am uninsured in my region and don’t know how I’m going to pay for it. Any advice is appreciated. For info, I live in California.

Hey folks I need help I’m a 21 year old college student and I got the flu (not covid) and was told I either come in or get fired. I live in an at will state so they could have legally fired me. Now two days of work later and my flu worsened into pnemonia I think because I’ve been doing manual labor and not sleeping due to shifts. Do I have any recourse? I’m going in to the hospital today but am uninsured in my region and don’t know how I’m going to pay for it. Any advice is appreciated. For info, I live in California.

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