
Please indulge me for a moment

Honestly I just need to complain and maybe have some people tell me to suck it up and it’s not so bad. I work in a small office environment and 3 of my colleagues are the loudest women on planet earth. Not really their fault, I suppose, they are just very loud talkers and they gab a lot during the day. One of them is my boss. Our agency allows people to wfh 2 days a week and i have been asking to do this for 6 months now and every time I am told no. This annoys me and i get kind of a bad attitude and I also to keep my work and home life very separate, so I don’t often join in the conversations with my coworkers. However, my office is right in front of the only copy machine/scanner in the office. So people are almost always…

Honestly I just need to complain and maybe have some people tell me to suck it up and it’s not so bad. I work in a small office environment and 3 of my colleagues are the loudest women on planet earth. Not really their fault, I suppose, they are just very loud talkers and they gab a lot during the day. One of them is my boss.
Our agency allows people to wfh 2 days a week and i have been asking to do this for 6 months now and every time I am told no. This annoys me and i get kind of a bad attitude and I also to keep my work and home life very separate, so I don’t often join in the conversations with my coworkers. However, my office is right in front of the only copy machine/scanner in the office. So people are almost always there talking and being obnoxiously loud. I started keeping my door cracked so that I could focus, because I’m unable to focus when people are loudly congregating next to me. After a few days my boss comes in and said that another coworker told her I was in my office sleeping and playing video games with my door shut. I said this wasn’t true and explained why I kept my door cracked. However, she told me I’m no longer allowed to keep my door cracked and it needs to be fully open.
I have been applying other places but nobody is responding and I’m at my wits end. This is also just the beginning of what I’ve been dealing with with my boss.

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