
Please learn from my mistakes.

I've gone on at length about my job, for those of you that are unfamiliar I work in an underground mine, and I'm so tired of it, but the worst thing is that on my horizon I've no better solutions. If you're at the point of having to stop yourself from sobbing or crying or welling up in tears because you have to go back to work, you've either missed the previous red flags or are in desperate need of help and I am truly disheartened for your situation. This morning I called off work because my truck wouldn't start (both myself and my father are / have been mechanics, we'll figure it out) and I knew whatever forces in the universe exist did NOT want me going back to work. I should have gotten out a long time ago, but when it's come to tears your job has gone…

I've gone on at length about my job, for those of you that are unfamiliar I work in an underground mine, and I'm so tired of it, but the worst thing is that on my horizon I've no better solutions.

If you're at the point of having to stop yourself from sobbing or crying or welling up in tears because you have to go back to work, you've either missed the previous red flags or are in desperate need of help and I am truly disheartened for your situation. This morning I called off work because my truck wouldn't start (both myself and my father are / have been mechanics, we'll figure it out) and I knew whatever forces in the universe exist did NOT want me going back to work. I should have gotten out a long time ago, but when it's come to tears your job has gone too far. Nobody deserves to go through emotional and psychological abuse at work.

Stay healthy friends, emotionally and physically.

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