
Please provide a professional reference who has known you personally for at least 5 years

“This cannot be a family member or previous employer” Go fk yourself. Who lives their life like it's 1948? I don't go and visit the bank manager for a casual chat. I don't have a regular doctor because the health service is dire. All my childhood friends from my dormitory town upbringing are on welfare or are in minimal wage unskilled jobs on temporary contracts in the town's only source of work. I'm not part of the golf club. I move house every 6 months because I'm fkng forced out. I've never held a job down for 5 years yet because I get made redundant or am on temporary contracts. Who is it that you want who could say “yes, this is he”? Then what? I'm seething because I've just chosen to explain that I can't and won't satisfy this stupid pointless request rather than go to the effort of…

“This cannot be a family member or previous employer”

Go fk yourself. Who lives their life like it's 1948? I don't go and visit the bank manager for a casual chat. I don't have a regular doctor because the health service is dire. All my childhood friends from my dormitory town upbringing are on welfare or are in minimal wage unskilled jobs on temporary contracts in the town's only source of work. I'm not part of the golf club. I move house every 6 months because I'm fkng forced out. I've never held a job down for 5 years yet because I get made redundant or am on temporary contracts.

Who is it that you want who could say “yes, this is he”? Then what? I'm seething because I've just chosen to explain that I can't and won't satisfy this stupid pointless request rather than go to the effort of faking it. I have documents stating my right to work, I've given contacts at all my previous employers as you requested, what is the point of this?

“nOboDY WaNts tO wOrK”. Fuck off, nobody wants to employ. It's just a god damn popularity contest with you kids. Bottom line is, it doesn't matter what you know, or how hard you try to improve yourself, it's always about who you know. Still alive and true and keeping people poor and unemployable in 2022 as ever it was.


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