
Why meeting changed to virtual with boss?

So me and a racist/sexist/vulgar supervisor who watches only me like a hawk told a melody of things to our boss to either get me transferred or let go. I don't want to be let go as I have been with the company for some years and I am waiting for tuition reimbursement and something else that could progress my career. She picks me out of anyone else and won't have a talk with anyone but me. I had 5 previous supervisors at the same company and have not faced the trouble she talks about and they have only written positive things about me. She keeps bringing up that I take too long of a break and I have a treatment I am going through that is the cause of that. She asked what was wrong in front of one of her friends and I told her it was personal…

So me and a racist/sexist/vulgar supervisor who watches only me like a hawk told a melody of things to our boss to either get me transferred or let go. I don't want to be let go as I have been with the company for some years and I am waiting for tuition reimbursement and something else that could progress my career. She picks me out of anyone else and won't have a talk with anyone but me. I had 5 previous supervisors at the same company and have not faced the trouble she talks about and they have only written positive things about me. She keeps bringing up that I take too long of a break and I have a treatment I am going through that is the cause of that. She asked what was wrong in front of one of her friends and I told her it was personal but that I could provide a doctor's note. She first said I was coming into work (we work at a scif so no phones/recordings) an hour before our start time to meet with our boss but now it has turned into a virtual meeting. What could be the cause of that? At first I thought the meeting would be between me and our boss not me, her and our boss.

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