Does anyone else feel like a lot of social media where discussion happens has been falling lately? It started with Twitter with Elon Musk taking over and essentially doing everything in his power to make it nosedive, then Tik Tok came under fire because the old farts in power wanted to know if it connected to wi-fi, and now Reddit pulls this stunt with their API bullshit. What do these all have in common?
They are places where workers have started to organize, bring light to massive workplace issues, and enlighten others to the exploitation and brainwashing of the masses when it comes to class consciousness.
They are shutting down these avenues for mass idea exchange because the working class is gaining power from it. Those who have been forced to leave Reddit may have 1 or 2 group chats, but now we're beginning isolated, which is just what they want. Back to bring subservient TV watchers with no maybe community to bring us to a movement. This is not by chance, this is a carpet bombing in the class war.
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading my wild thoughts, you may now remove your tin foil hat.
Tl:Dr – All the social medias are going down as a way to stop the working class from organizing against the money hoarding class.