
Please tell me it’s okay to quit without two weeks notice because I just can’t do it one more day

I’m going to start off by saying, I genuinely intended on staying at this position for at least two years. I started a month and 10 days ago. And just a month in, I’m getting genuine panic attacks. I feel like I have to explain myself because I feel so weak doing this. I have always stayed at a job for at least two years. My employers have never had a problem with me. I’m a quick and tenacious learner. I took this job a month and 10 days ago. I did “training” with them for three weeks. I was told that after my training, I will be completely independent and that I should not have any more serious questions. During the “training” I was shown a couple things by the person in the position prior to me. Seemed east enough. But then I started independently, I realized that there…

I’m going to start off by saying, I genuinely intended on staying at this position for at least two years. I started a month and 10 days ago. And just a month in, I’m getting genuine panic attacks.

I feel like I have to explain myself because I feel so weak doing this. I have always stayed at a job for at least two years. My employers have never had a problem with me. I’m a quick and tenacious learner.

I took this job a month and 10 days ago. I did “training” with them for three weeks. I was told that after my training, I will be completely independent and that I should not have any more serious questions. During the “training” I was shown a couple things by the person in the position prior to me. Seemed east enough. But then I started independently, I realized that there were so many more steps, processes, and shit that I wasn’t taught during training.

I took it in stride, and I have tried asking questions to fill the knowledge gaps but there is just so much to learn. I typically learn on my own by google searching, etc. But I can’t even do that here because all of the processes is stored in the lady’s head. Even when I ask my manager because I’m tired of asking this lady, my manager refers to the lady. I feel like I have to pull teeth and nails to understand how to do one task. I wish I could articulate my frustration and exhaustion because I feel silly/ weak quitting just after a month of training. But my gut is about to explode saying “quit “

Overall, I can’t fathom working here one more day. I want to quit now. My husband I discussed it. He tells me to quit. Financially, we can make it work.

My question is, will there be any repercussions to my decision. Florida ( where company is located) is at will. This is a major institution, so I don’t think there will be anything shady. There is nothing in my contract that says anything about resigning or providing two weeks. So can I just send a resignation email that says today is my last day. If so, how would you word that respectfully?

Thank you for all your help, please send me positive vibes if you are inclined ️

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