
Please wish me luck

Today a co-worker and I have hit our last straw with management. We work in the IT Department for state government and we've decided to approach the Communications Workers of America (CWA) about unionizing our workforce. We've put up with being overworked and stretched thin. Now we have to do on-call work with no extra meaningful compensation. We are on call once every six weeks for one week at a time 24/7, and for the significant interruption in our lives, they offer us 4 hours of compensation time. We are stretched so thin that we probably won't be able to even use it. I'm hoping I'll get a call from a CWA representative soon so we can hit the ground running. I'm so tired of being abused. I'm tired of the empty promises of management saying they're fighting for us. Times are a-changing!

Today a co-worker and I have hit our last straw with management. We work in the IT Department for state government and we've decided to approach the Communications Workers of America (CWA) about unionizing our workforce. We've put up with being overworked and stretched thin. Now we have to do on-call work with no extra meaningful compensation. We are on call once every six weeks for one week at a time 24/7, and for the significant interruption in our lives, they offer us 4 hours of compensation time. We are stretched so thin that we probably won't be able to even use it. I'm hoping I'll get a call from a CWA representative soon so we can hit the ground running. I'm so tired of being abused. I'm tired of the empty promises of management saying they're fighting for us. Times are a-changing!

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