
policy changed no one told

So I have recently left a job for reasons not related to this post but am very curious if what happened is legal? In the fall a coworker noticed she was no longer being paid weekend differential, she asked me if I was, I go and check and no I wasn't either, I then go back thru pay stubs and find it had stopped 2 1/2 months prior. So I start looking thru polices and discover they had changed weekend differential to Sunday differential (only open a couple Sundays a year maybe).Of course this spreads like wildfire and people are pissed especially since no one informed employees (verbally or thru email). I tell them we need to be calm how to handle let's think thru some options. Well, a couple shifts later I get a call that some big wig with company will be in the next day and I…

So I have recently left a job for reasons not related to this post but am very curious if what happened is legal? In the fall a coworker noticed she was no longer being paid weekend differential, she asked me if I was, I go and check and no I wasn't either, I then go back thru pay stubs and find it had stopped 2 1/2 months prior. So I start looking thru polices and discover they had changed weekend differential to Sunday differential (only open a couple Sundays a year maybe).Of course this spreads like wildfire and people are pissed especially since no one informed employees (verbally or thru email). I tell them we need to be calm how to handle let's think thru some options. Well, a couple shifts later I get a call that some big wig with company will be in the next day and I decided to ask about it. Answer: “Company decided to do this as a cost saving measure, but everyone should have been told I'll get to the bottom of it.” I told him regardless of why we should have been told and also that it's treatment of hourly workers was one of the reasons they were having trouble retaining employees. Took another month before there was a staff meeting where we were “informed”. This time the excuse to change the policy was given as “we are normally open on Saturday so weekend differential was ended and changed to Sunday only.” So reddit what do you think? Was this legal is the US?

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