
Policy changes after promises

The office I work at changed a policy before Christmas that we would no longer get overtime. To compensate they were going to allow us to still take a 30 minute lunch and leave 30 minutes early. This week is the first week in which it came into play because of holidays. Some people didn’t do it right yesterday so the policy was revoked. I drive an hour to work so I was really excited about it. Now I just want to find a new job closer to home but nothing pays as well so I’m stuck.

The office I work at changed a policy before Christmas that we would no longer get overtime.

To compensate they were going to allow us to still take a 30 minute lunch and leave 30 minutes early.

This week is the first week in which it came into play because of holidays.

Some people didn’t do it right yesterday so the policy was revoked. I drive an hour to work so I was really excited about it.
Now I just want to find a new job closer to home but nothing pays as well so I’m stuck.

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