
Pool Boy Scoop & Run

I've worked for 2 different pool companies now and the first one was a start up and I could tell this guy was just as clueless as I was when I first started 6 months ago, but I've got similar experience in other industries and my buddy has 15 years in the industry so I've picked on quick. The second company I worked for had me cleaning 200 fucking pools a week and didn't do their own repairs, thankfully because of them not doing repairs and rarely getting back to customers when they called I dropped off my buddies number at multiple pools and have 2 pools lined up to have me clean their pools once next month rolls around. Wish me luck running my own truck, no bosses no managers!

I've worked for 2 different pool companies now and the first one was a start up and I could tell this guy was just as clueless as I was when I first started 6 months ago, but I've got similar experience in other industries and my buddy has 15 years in the industry so I've picked on quick. The second company I worked for had me cleaning 200 fucking pools a week and didn't do their own repairs, thankfully because of them not doing repairs and rarely getting back to customers when they called I dropped off my buddies number at multiple pools and have 2 pools lined up to have me clean their pools once next month rolls around. Wish me luck running my own truck, no bosses no managers!

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