
Position Elimination

I would just like to say that it is a horrible practice to eliminate someone’s benefited position and continue to hire per diems to do the same job. My loyalty for the past 9 years means nothing. No help or referrals to find another position within the company. Just the bosses saying, “you might not have a position next year but we didn’t wanna ruin anyone’s life before the holidays.” So cool you expect me to still come in as well have the audacity to as ask me to work split shifts for you? I am a single mother and have missed some of my kid’s special moments so that I can put a roof over our heads. I thought what I was doing was meaningful and would be worth it. My mistake to think my bosses cared at all. “Non-profit” hospital systems at their core are still about the…

I would just like to say that it is a horrible practice to eliminate someone’s benefited position and continue to hire per diems to do the same job. My loyalty for the past 9 years means nothing. No help or referrals to find another position within the company. Just the bosses saying, “you might not have a position next year but we didn’t wanna ruin anyone’s life before the holidays.” So cool you expect me to still come in as well have the audacity to as ask me to work split shifts for you? I am a single mother and have missed some of my kid’s special moments so that I can put a roof over our heads. I thought what I was doing was meaningful and would be worth it. My mistake to think my bosses cared at all.

“Non-profit” hospital systems at their core are still about the money. So a reminder that we all probably know: your job does not give a damn about you… only their bottom line.

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