
Positive fallout from The Great Resignation

Hello all, first time poster here, constant lurker, labor advocate!!! Here is a tale to warm our collective hearts regarding capitalism and competition. I work in southern Ontario in the steel industry, have done so for the last 20 years. Presently working for a steelmaker on a contract basis meaning no benefits and no vacation, its a decent job, just lacking stability. I was hired as a casual, unfortunately they seem to fire their casuals on a whim, witnessed a girl who worked there for 2 years only to be summarily fired and trained her replacement. Kicker is, her replacement was hired as a full time hire, benefits, full wage, all of that. This really kicked me in the nuts folks, quite frankly, i find such behavior reprehensible at best. So knowing my contract was coming up for renewal in June, i decided to play by different rules. Make a…

Hello all, first time poster here, constant lurker, labor advocate!!! Here is a tale to warm our collective hearts regarding capitalism and competition. I work in southern Ontario in the steel industry, have done so for the last 20 years. Presently working for a steelmaker on a contract basis meaning no benefits and no vacation, its a decent job, just lacking stability. I was hired as a casual, unfortunately they seem to fire their casuals on a whim, witnessed a girl who worked there for 2 years only to be summarily fired and trained her replacement. Kicker is, her replacement was hired as a full time hire, benefits, full wage, all of that. This really kicked me in the nuts folks, quite frankly, i find such behavior reprehensible at best. So knowing my contract was coming up for renewal in June, i decided to play by different rules. Make a long story short ive locked up two full time jobs w/ benefits. Tmrw i take the wind out of my director by calling him directly and letting him know, if they wanna keep me they can compete with the others. I've eaten so much shit in this industry throughout the years, i dont feel the slightest bit bad.

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