
Possible Wage Theft? Let Me Explain

So I work on a surface mine in West Virginia. We work from 6am to 4pm. Our routine is we all park in the same lot every morning, and we get on a school bus (man trip) to take us further onto the site to our machines/equipment. This is done to save wear and tear on our personal vehicles and to get everyone where they're meant to be; this takes about 10-15 minutes. Many others and myself have been getting to our parking lot around 5:55am, getting on the bus, and going to work. We do this because we're made to stay at our equipment until the very last minute, putting us back at the parking lot well past 4pm, usually 4:15ish. This already feels like wage theft IMO, but it gets better/worse. I was just told yesterday that everyone is required to be in the parking lot at or…

So I work on a surface mine in West Virginia. We work from 6am to 4pm. Our routine is we all park in the same lot every morning, and we get on a school bus (man trip) to take us further onto the site to our machines/equipment. This is done to save wear and tear on our personal vehicles and to get everyone where they're meant to be; this takes about 10-15 minutes.

Many others and myself have been getting to our parking lot around 5:55am, getting on the bus, and going to work. We do this because we're made to stay at our equipment until the very last minute, putting us back at the parking lot well past 4pm, usually 4:15ish. This already feels like wage theft IMO, but it gets better/worse.

I was just told yesterday that everyone is required to be in the parking lot at or before 5:45am to get on the bus, and that's what time the bus would be leaving. So no more 5:55 arrival times.

It may not sound like much, but it seems to me we're being expected everyday to just freely give away a half hour or more of our time and it doesn't seem right. We work 6 day work weeks, Monday-Saturday, and that adds up to 3 hours or better of overtime every week.

Thoughts? Any advice is appreciated.

Edit: We are not a union work site.

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