
Possibly being replaced, or overreacting?

So I’ll try to keep this short but include all of the details I can without too much padding. I work in IT. It is a department of two people. Myself and, let’s call the other colleague Samuel. Samuel is new to IT (2 years experience). I have been in IT for 6 years. Samuel has been with the company in general for 5 years. I have just hit 1 year. Samuel and I unfortunately bump heads quite hard, because of his attitude towards life and work. He grunts and literally audibly moans at his ticket queue almost all day. Anything overwhelms him, and I’ve learned to put up with it and we have not had run ins for around 6 months now. Keep in mind, Samuel does NOT like me. It’s clear he hates my presence. Fast forward. This job is literally meant for 2 people. Only 2 people,…

So I’ll try to keep this short but include all of the details I can without too much padding.

I work in IT. It is a department of two people. Myself and, let’s call the other colleague Samuel. Samuel is new to IT (2 years experience). I have been in IT for 6 years. Samuel has been with the company in general for 5 years. I have just hit 1 year. Samuel and I unfortunately bump heads quite hard, because of his attitude towards life and work. He grunts and literally audibly moans at his ticket queue almost all day. Anything overwhelms him, and I’ve learned to put up with it and we have not had run ins for around 6 months now. Keep in mind, Samuel does NOT like me. It’s clear he hates my presence.

Fast forward. This job is literally meant for 2 people. Only 2 people, at most. The job is super easy and the workload is literally nothing. The company I work for has been known to blindside people and fire them after training their replacements.

They’re hiring a 3rd person in, and I am to train him primarily. I was the LAST one to know about this, and somehow everyone else knew including Samuel. They have been very dodgy when I asked about specifics- timelines, desk location, support scope, etc.

I literally am getting little information out of anyone. But Samuel seems to be receiving all of the transparency. I feel in the dark and I brought that up, but was told “I thought we went over the details with you already, am I missing anything?”

As a side note, Samuel is making close Allies with the new guy, and the new guy’s demeanor towards me has definitely changed in the last week since they spend so much 1 on 1 time together at lunch, etc.

Am I valid to be concerned I’m possibly being replaced? We literally have no work for a 3rd person. My performance literally is through the roof, I received a 10% raise in February, but now some pieces are starting to become a bit concerning to me that just don’t make any sense. I’m seeing so many mixed signals, that I don’t know what to make of it.

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