
Post-Roe Money Matters

For anyone wondering what to do next, we need to hit them where it hurts: their almighty dollar. Yes, donate and support Planned Parenthood. Yes, support abortion funds ( Yes, donate to EMILY's List and support candidates who will fight for us. We also need to take the money away from institutions that support this madness. Amalgamated Bank of Chicago ( invests deposits in sustainable industries and pro-choice causes AND allows you to donate roundups as well. There are and will be more organizations offering reproductive care for employees (, so support them too. For my friends in other countries, do not come to the US. Don’t spend your money in this country. If you live in the US, don’t travel to states with these bans. This decision hurts all of us. Now we make them hurt.

For anyone wondering what to do next, we need to hit them where it hurts: their almighty dollar.

Yes, donate and support Planned Parenthood. Yes, support abortion funds ( Yes, donate to EMILY's List and support candidates who will fight for us. We also need to take the money away from institutions that support this madness. Amalgamated Bank of Chicago ( invests deposits in sustainable industries and pro-choice causes AND allows you to donate roundups as well. There are and will be more organizations offering reproductive care for employees (, so support them too.

For my friends in other countries, do not come to the US. Don’t spend your money in this country. If you live in the US, don’t travel to states with these bans.

This decision hurts all of us. Now we make them hurt.

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