
potential cockroach infestation

so yesterday I found a cockroach at work, and today a coworker had one crawl across her foot I told my boss, who said they will spray tonight at 6pm (9 hours from now) I told her that's not how infestations work and that all it's gonna take for a patient to take home an infestation will be for a roach to hop in someone's bag looking for the Werther's Original they forgot about at the bottom of their purse, and that cockroaches are excellent vectors for diseases that might put the lives of our immunocompromised patients at risk they won't close down right now and do it because we won't be able to work for 2 hours which will obviously cost them money opinions? thoughts? prayers?

so yesterday I found a cockroach at work, and today a coworker had one crawl across her foot

I told my boss, who said they will spray tonight at 6pm (9 hours from now)

I told her that's not how infestations work and that all it's gonna take for a patient to take home an infestation will be for a roach to hop in someone's bag looking for the Werther's Original they forgot about at the bottom of their purse, and that cockroaches are excellent vectors for diseases that might put the lives of our immunocompromised patients at risk

they won't close down right now and do it because we won't be able to work for 2 hours which will obviously cost them money

opinions? thoughts? prayers?

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