
Potential employer absolutely dicking me around. I withdrew from role after receiving all my equipment. Felt good to advocate for myself.

Series of events: May 2: she contacts me (we have mutual friends) and asks me to interview to join her firm as a paralegal. Asks for my availability. I give it to her immediately May 9: she finally replies. “Let’s interview tomorrow at 11!” May 10: I am ready and sitting at 10:55. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. At 11:20 I text her and ask if she’d like to reschedule. No reply. She calls at 1 PM and apologizes and asks to reschedule for the 12th. May 12: we interview. She loves me and wants to hire me. Cool! I want the job! She asks what I want as far as salary and benefits and schedule and I send it off right away. She says no problem; she’ll get an offer letter and equipment to me ASAP. (Crickets) May 23: She says she’s working on a training plan, a computer, and an…

Series of events:

May 2: she contacts me (we have mutual friends) and asks me to interview to join her firm as a paralegal. Asks for my availability. I give it to her immediately

May 9: she finally replies. “Let’s interview tomorrow at 11!”

May 10: I am ready and sitting at 10:55. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. At 11:20 I text her and ask if she’d like to reschedule. No reply. She calls at 1 PM and apologizes and asks to reschedule for the 12th.

May 12: we interview. She loves me and wants to hire me. Cool! I want the job! She asks what I want as far as salary and benefits and schedule and I send it off right away. She says no problem; she’ll get an offer letter and equipment to me ASAP.


May 23: She says she’s working on a training plan, a computer, and an offer letter. Person who would be training me is on vacation until the 30th. Okay. Whatev

June 5 (Monday): she messages “I’ll be in town for mediation! Let’s get together to talk training and all that.” I respond with my availability.

June 9 (Friday): I text her and ask if she’s still free. She says she’s at the airport about to fly home. “I’ll get you an offer letter ASAP!” At this point I was already contemplating withdrawing.

June 16: She asks when I can start. I tell her ASAP. She says I’ll get the laptop tomorrow. I ask when I can expect to get the offer letter or at least a general start date. She says she’ll get the offer letter to me right away and she’ll get back to me about a start date.

June 17: I confirm getting the laptop

June 18 (Sunday AM): She messages me and says she’d like to show me some work stuff Monday. She says she’s preparing the offer “right now.”

June 18 (afternoon): “If I don’t get you the letter tonight I’ll get it to you in the morning. I have my kids this weekend so they’re my priority ”. Weird quote.

June 19: it’s noon on her end. I withdraw. She’s like “huh? What?”

The end.

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