
Potential Employer Keeping Me On The Line and Changing The Rules

For context, I have been interviewing for this company for nearly 6 weeks now. They need an engineer at a data life plant to help in controls and larger capital projects. Good things about the role is that it’s high paying and they currently do a four day work week at this location. Bad think is they for some reason have two maintenance personnel assigned as direct reports to the role. That’s not usually what a process engineer does is watch over maintenance but whatever. I’ve been working with this recruiter to go through the company. First round phone call, went well. Went on site at the main campus to interview with the other engineers, went well. I went on site to the location I’d work at, went well. I was told then (approximately 3 weeks ago now) that I’d hear feedback and next steps by the next few business…

For context, I have been interviewing for this company for nearly 6 weeks now. They need an engineer at a data life plant to help in controls and larger capital projects. Good things about the role is that it’s high paying and they currently do a four day work week at this location. Bad think is they for some reason have two maintenance personnel assigned as direct reports to the role. That’s not usually what a process engineer does is watch over maintenance but whatever.

I’ve been working with this recruiter to go through the company. First round phone call, went well. Went on site at the main campus to interview with the other engineers, went well. I went on site to the location I’d work at, went well. I was told then (approximately 3 weeks ago now) that I’d hear feedback and next steps by the next few business days. Nearly two weeks go by until now with no update. I kept calling my recruiter to get and update from this company. Finally he gets through to them and what they had to say had me livid.

First comes the excuse of “oh we had a million things going on”. Then they inform my recruiter that they are also going to phone screen two other candidates this week. Said I could expect to hear an update next Wednesday. Immediate red flag. I’ve been waiting weeks and they’re still starting people off on phone screenings?! Says they like me as an option but not their first pick. I’m being strung along.

Next I hear that the position may be retooled as a 6 month contract to hire after a probationary period. Originally it was a direct hire role! So now they’re changing the rules.

I’m so tired of being jerked around. They started out nice enough and even said they wanted to be considerate of my time. That was a fucking lie. I’m out of work after being laid off so it’s hard to tell them to kick rocks because I need to have options for work. I’ve been out of work for 8 months now. Every hiring process has been awful.

I try to be a man of principle and integrity. My heart says I should contact the hiring manager tomorrow and tell him I’m no longer interested in the role. Because they don’t respect my time, communication, or professionalism. And he’s supposed to be my boss. How can I trust him to work together if he can’t even keep a timeline straight and communicate?

I want to go back to work so badly…for the stability. But I hate jumping through hoops for these kinds of people only to be an option on the table.

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