
Potential Great Opportunity – how do I go about this?

Hi everyone. I’m feeling conflicted on this potential opportunity I will know about by Thursday. I’ve been wanting to get into the tattooing industry since I was about 15, and have been working hard to do so. Monday night, I applied for a receptionist / assistant position at a very prestigious shop in my town known for winning a competition show. They have very little staff turnover, the interview seemed to have gone very well, and they will let me know by Thursday. The kicker here is I currently work 9-6 as a property manager for a storage company. While I appreciate my job employing me the last year, that’s pretty much all they’ve done. The shop I applied to would need me to come Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for trial days to make sure I can handle the fast pace. However, I work Friday, Saturday, and single coverage…

Hi everyone. I’m feeling conflicted on this potential opportunity I will know about by Thursday.

I’ve been wanting to get into the tattooing industry since I was about 15, and have been working hard to do so. Monday night, I applied for a receptionist / assistant position at a very prestigious shop in my town known for winning a competition show. They have very little staff turnover, the interview seemed to have gone very well, and they will let me know by Thursday.

The kicker here is I currently work 9-6 as a property manager for a storage company. While I appreciate my job employing me the last year, that’s pretty much all they’ve done. The shop I applied to would need me to come Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for trial days to make sure I can handle the fast pace. However, I work Friday, Saturday, and single coverage on Sunday.

I don’t want to miss an opportunity that could very well alter the course of my career and life, as I’m only 24. My direct manager I don’t think will have a problem with giving me the days off, or letting me leave early – it’s my DM Who I’m afraid of. He’s very micromanage type of a style manager, and I’m worried he will deny me leaving early or having those days off.

I don’t want to be a jerk here and just tell him too bad so sad I’m not going to be here, but I also don’t want to miss out on a HUGE opportunity that could alter the course of my life and very well lead me into my dream career. What should I do? Am I being immature about this?

Money is not a worry as I would be getting paid at the new place the same amount I make now, just a few hours less a week which is no worry. My family says go for it and it might suck for my current job, but they’re all older and in their careers and set in their life. So I shouldn’t worry.


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