
Potentially screwed out of unemployment benefits because HR sucks…

So! After being lured away from a stable job (and rejecting two other offers I had on the table…), I took a job with a startup that was misrepresenting their success publicly Six months in, they laid off 40% of the staff — myself included. I took the advice of the HR woman who told me to file for unemployment right away. She was helpful in providing information necessary to file buuuutttt…. She got very important information incorrect. Like everyone in HR, she is the perfect balance of incompetent and arrogant and therefore allergic to simply saying, “I don't know. Let me check.” She has to project a false image of competency to make this pathetic, failing company look like they're not crumbling right now. Now, my claim is basically in limbo. The process of withdrawing and refiling could take months, as could trying to contact EDD to have the…

So! After being lured away from a stable job (and rejecting two other offers I had on the table…), I took a job with a startup that was misrepresenting their success publicly Six months in, they laid off 40% of the staff — myself included. I took the advice of the HR woman who told me to file for unemployment right away. She was helpful in providing information necessary to file buuuutttt….

She got very important information incorrect. Like everyone in HR, she is the perfect balance of incompetent and arrogant and therefore allergic to simply saying, “I don't know. Let me check.” She has to project a false image of competency to make this pathetic, failing company look like they're not crumbling right now.

Now, my claim is basically in limbo. The process of withdrawing and refiling could take months, as could trying to contact EDD to have the issue corrected. I got through to someone today, and she basically said to see if they let me file on the 31st and go from there.

I'm so mad. Not only did they screw me over by luring me away from a stable, well-paying job under false pretenses, they've screwed me out of unemployment benefits as well. Why is HR so useless?

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