
Pre-Paying for Overtime

My boss has been on my back quite a bit about overtime recently and has been making comments insinuating that they might reduce my hours if I keep getting overtime. They’ve mentioned it several times. All this over maybe 15 minutes overtime every week. If that. Not to mention we’re two people short so more is being required of me, and it’s a miracle I’m able to finish with only that small amount of overtime as is. I did the math, and the total they would be paying me for overtime in the span of a year is a little less than $400, if my current pay and average amount of overtime continues. Part of me thinks it would be hilarious to walk into their office and set a check down for that amount so they can stop bitching at me about it every week and I can get my…

My boss has been on my back quite a bit about overtime recently and has been making comments insinuating that they might reduce my hours if I keep getting overtime. They’ve mentioned it several times. All this over maybe 15 minutes overtime every week. If that. Not to mention we’re two people short so more is being required of me, and it’s a miracle I’m able to finish with only that small amount of overtime as is.

I did the math, and the total they would be paying me for overtime in the span of a year is a little less than $400, if my current pay and average amount of overtime continues. Part of me thinks it would be hilarious to walk into their office and set a check down for that amount so they can stop bitching at me about it every week and I can get my fucking job done and go home to do the things I actually want to do without the threat of my hours being cut. Can’t be mad at me for overtime I already paid them for.

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