
Prices in India

I'm on India visiting family. Prices here are so low on literally most everything, especially food. So many American goods are affordable even, just priced differently. 4 AAA batteries are 60c. Cost of living is quite different here. Fewer cars mean shops fit inside and under all sorts of spots. There is tons of built in competition and efficiency in shopping and intercity travel. But outside of all of this, most shit is just more affordable to people with a college education. If you ever doubt whether the price rises is us asking for more or the corporations bleeding us dry…..look around you across the world. ITS BUSINESSES IN AMERICA RAISING PRICES!

I'm on India visiting family. Prices here are so low on literally most everything, especially food. So many American goods are affordable even, just priced differently. 4 AAA batteries are 60c. Cost of living is quite different here. Fewer cars mean shops fit inside and under all sorts of spots. There is tons of built in competition and efficiency in shopping and intercity travel. But outside of all of this, most shit is just more affordable to people with a college education.
If you ever doubt whether the price rises is us asking for more or the corporations bleeding us dry…..look around you across the world.

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