
PRIORITIZE YOUR HEALTH AND SAFETY because the organization doesn’t give a shit about you and here’s proof.

I have to be really careful about details on this for legal reasons and I can’t say how I know this but here’s how I finally understood that companies will protect their profit over their employees even if they’re in the spotlight. Someone in my life works for a professional sports team that plays a sport that rhymes with shmockey and has a seasonal Battle Royale that will start shortly. This team had a player that those who follow shmockey would recognize. That player sexually assaulted at least two women. One of those women was an employee in the organization. He was not signed the next season. He was, however, given a position on their charitable foundation that pays him $200,000 per year working with a woman he had a not-so-secret affair with for years while his wife raised his kids. The employee was asked to sign an NDA and…

I have to be really careful about details on this for legal reasons and I can’t say how I know this but here’s how I finally understood that companies will protect their profit over their employees even if they’re in the spotlight.

Someone in my life works for a professional sports team that plays a sport that rhymes with shmockey and has a seasonal Battle Royale that will start shortly.

This team had a player that those who follow shmockey would recognize. That player sexually assaulted at least two women. One of those women was an employee in the organization.

He was not signed the next season. He was, however, given a position on their charitable foundation that pays him $200,000 per year working with a woman he had a not-so-secret affair with for years while his wife raised his kids.

The employee was asked to sign an NDA and there’s rumor her job was at stake though I can’t confirm it. They’ve essentially kept him close enough to keep an eye on him, effectively shut up the employee, all while a sex offender goes into the office everyday.

Why doesn’t she quit? Because moving sports teams would likely mean moving cities and that’s a huge expense. And how would she explain leaving to the next boss?

Better question: why do companies, including professional sports teams, protect and basically reward their product (which is all he was when he was playing) over their employees.

All the while, this team underpays every single person in the organization while the owner bought another mansion directly next door to his current mansion.

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