
Privately announced Layoffs: They don’t care about you as a human being, or family, or anything.

Hey r/antiwork, Today I found out that in a week I will be laid off. This is after a several months long project our team has worked hard for. I was the main person behind it in our area, and we are finally in the home stretch. Except, I'll literally only be here long enough to see day one. And that's it. After that, my position doesn't exist anymore because 'our company has to cutback and reevaluate' and 'we appreciate the work you've done to make us who we are' as if the miniscule money saved by eliminating this role won't put your profits up enough to keep up with mass staff unhappiness. I work in a specialized industry that pays less than Target for highly sought after skills. And now I'm just wading through the waters of either applying for something that pays less and hope the severance is…

Hey r/antiwork,

Today I found out that in a week I will be laid off. This is after a several months long project our team has worked hard for. I was the main person behind it in our area, and we are finally in the home stretch. Except, I'll literally only be here long enough to see day one.

And that's it. After that, my position doesn't exist anymore because 'our company has to cutback and reevaluate' and 'we appreciate the work you've done to make us who we are' as if the miniscule money saved by eliminating this role won't put your profits up enough to keep up with mass staff unhappiness. I work in a specialized industry that pays less than Target for highly sought after skills. And now I'm just wading through the waters of either applying for something that pays less and hope the severance is good, or take less pay and take on a much lesser position in order to survive.

It's just never going to matter. I was the 10% they announced in the email earlier today declaring closings and cost reductions. I was a statistic that wasn't even on the call where they discussed this. It was given as a task to management and a chore to those who now have to take up my work for no extra pay. It's a huge shift in work culture and it matters so little. The three names attached to the email? The CEO, and two board members. Three men who won't feel their pockets hit or wonder if they can keep themselves and their wives in their home.

It's sick and it's wrong and we just let it happen. One presenter even laughed as they exclaimed how excited they were to make these changes. It's all a cruel joke.

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