
Promised a raise, and then nothing happened.

My boss has been promising me a substantial raise since I started my job two years ago. I’m required to be certified by the gov to do my job, but to be certified you need experience in the field (without getting into what I do). So I was promised $23/hr while training, which would increase to $31/hr when certified. I completed the training about 6mos ago, at which point my boss said I missed the raise deadline and he “can’t afford it” anymore. I am now completely limited to a “cost of living” raise- $1/hr per year or until my boss changes his mind again. It will take nearly a decade of this job to get to that pay rate now. In the meantime my boss is making more money off of me than his other employees, at a gross rate of about $75-100/hr based on what we charge customers.…

My boss has been promising me a substantial raise since I started my job two years ago. I’m required to be certified by the gov to do my job, but to be certified you need experience in the field (without getting into what I do). So I was promised $23/hr while training, which would increase to $31/hr when certified. I completed the training about 6mos ago, at which point my boss said I missed the raise deadline and he “can’t afford it” anymore. I am now completely limited to a “cost of living” raise- $1/hr per year or until my boss changes his mind again. It will take nearly a decade of this job to get to that pay rate now. In the meantime my boss is making more money off of me than his other employees, at a gross rate of about $75-100/hr based on what we charge customers. I’m livid, and I have a hard time going to work these days. But this place still pays better than other companies in my field.

Do they want me to quit? Because this is how you make people quit. I feel like I can’t argue for that raise without being fired but I worked my ass off to get it. Dirty fucking pool, man.

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