
Promotion/salary less then I was expecting.. looking for advice

I'm looking to get some third-party advice for my current situation.. I have recently transitioned from blue collar work to work in an office job, and I am not familiar with all the dynamics and red tape that comes with working for a corporation. I was hired on part-time through an acquaintance, and he offered me 21hr starting as I had no experience and told me that if I did a good job that he could get me 25hr at the end of my 3 month probabation.. He also told me that he would support me in achieving a promotion that would pay 60-65k a year which was a huge incentive for me to start at such a low wage. I'm a very quick learner, hard worker etc. Always showed up on time and stayed late when I thought necessary etc.. my boss appreciate this and gave me payed 1hr…

I'm looking to get some third-party advice for my current situation.. I have recently transitioned from blue collar work to work in an office job, and I am not familiar with all the dynamics and red tape that comes with working for a corporation.

I was hired on part-time through an acquaintance, and he offered me 21hr starting as I had no experience and told me that if I did a good job that he could get me 25hr at the end of my 3 month probabation.. He also told me that he would support me in achieving a promotion that would pay 60-65k a year which was a huge incentive for me to start at such a low wage.

I'm a very quick learner, hard worker etc. Always showed up on time and stayed late when I thought necessary etc.. my boss appreciate this and gave me payed 1hr lunch and overtime for anything over my part time hours.. after a month I was unofficially making 25/hr.

I was also on the path for the promotion when the job was given to someone else who had been given the same promise. To be fair it had appeared to everyone that my coworker was going down a down a different path but they change their mind last minute.

I was told that I could still get the promotion but I might have to move locations..

Anyways, I am almost at the end of my proabation and they have just offered me this promotion at a location that actually better suits me. However, they are now offering 50k salary.. after some negotiation they are offering a 5k 6 month retention bonus. I guess this is a fair offer for someone with little experiance and only a few month at the company, but still dissapointing since it is 5-10k lower starting salary then what I was expecting…

I also happen to know that two other recently hires 1year/5 months where started at my desired salary.. but the company is saying that was due to desperation during covid and that there a regulation in place preventing them from giving me my desired salary…


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