A little bit of story time since I no longer work there. Worked at this science industry that produced a large amount of lets say materials. I had mastered every single procedure in the department, I was the go to person for everything in our department from within and from other departments. Handled communication and work with other departments, helped etc. Was also a head trainer. So I decided to look at the highest level I could achieve in our department below lead. Supervisor said I needed x,y,z to reach said promotion. One month later I had done x,y,z over a 100 times. Then it was oh you need this one procedure that we get every 2- 3 years. Asked for them to hold said procedure for me so I could complete it or I could come early. 3 times they had someone else do it and kept giving me the run around. Finally after months I was given the promotion along with two individuals whom (a. Did not even know the special procedures we had nonetheless x,y,z or the 2-3 year procedure, b. Messed up constantly costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars c. Half the time weren't even working just talking) I was furious so I asked people that were already level 2 [what I was trying to reach] about the 2-3 year procedure. Come to find out, they never did it, never did x,y,z also. Approached the other 2 people that got promoted with me, turns out the person that had cost the company more than half a million dollars in mess ups is now making $3 more than me ( previously they were making $1.75 more than me, even with no experience in the industry while I had more than a year at this point). So I found out that I was just being kept at my position. Kinda had an idea when they said “oh well we are restructuring the position” nothing about the position changed. They also hid a possible explosion, and hid someone being exposed to a carcinogen all day because the fuck up that cost them a shit ton of money is an idiot. Come to find out that person now works at one of the top departments too. Fuck capitalism and fuck that company