
Proof that years of experience doesn’t equal value!

I, 27m have been working at my small town ISP for just under 2.5 years. Ive gotten $1.50 raise each year after the start of the year and am currently being paid pretty well for rural Iowa. I started with 2 coworkers both over 65 years old that we're basically computer illiterate. I learned how to do literally everything at the company within the first 4 months before one of my coworkers retired. My other coworker was set to retire the next year, so they hired yet another boomer, 58 years old. He was hired because he supposedly has “25 years old experience in the industry.” When he got here and started, it was clear that he didn't know a fucking thing. He worked on copper wiring at his old job, and we're all fiber optic. He also doesn't know how to use a computer or check emails. Hell, we…

I, 27m have been working at my small town ISP for just under 2.5 years. Ive gotten $1.50 raise each year after the start of the year and am currently being paid pretty well for rural Iowa. I started with 2 coworkers both over 65 years old that we're basically computer illiterate. I learned how to do literally everything at the company within the first 4 months before one of my coworkers retired. My other coworker was set to retire the next year, so they hired yet another boomer, 58 years old. He was hired because he supposedly has “25 years old experience in the industry.”

When he got here and started, it was clear that he didn't know a fucking thing. He worked on copper wiring at his old job, and we're all fiber optic. He also doesn't know how to use a computer or check emails. Hell, we sell wireless routers and program then for customers, and it took him over a year and a half to learn to do that without step by step instructions (he still could not program one if it was not the exact model we sell). Basically he's fucking worthless.

My other coworker just retired last month, so it's me and the worthless guy left. Ive been doing basically 100% of the work for the last month now. It's not that hard, but it's really annoying that he sits and watches me work while doing nothing and knowing nothing. I feel like I shouldn't have to do much training on a guy with “25 years of experience” and after over 1.5 years, he should be sufficiently trained anyways.

The problem is, I just got a raise as well as the two front desk workers, but my boss asked me not to mention it because the worthless coworker wasn't getting one and he didn't want it to be a big deal. He also told me that when the worthless coworker started, he wanted so much money for his “experience” and they gave it to him, but they don't think they should have. So basically, this guy that does nothing but sit on his phone all day listening to conservative talkshows and watching me work is making quite a bit more money than me. I love my job, but I honestly don't know if I can work with this guy for much longer.

My 2.5 years of experience > his 25 years of experience

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