
Property taxes should be exponential.

Exactly what the title says… I think one of the main drivers of our repeated housing and economic crises is how real estate is gobbled up and controlled by large corporations. There is a incredibly simple way to fix this, exponential modifier to yearly property tax, exponent will be the number of properties you own, so your first house purchase is taxed normally and every 2nd, 3rd and other house you purchase keeps getting more expensive every time. By the time you're up to 5+ properties the taxes are so high it's not worth your time even as a billionaire. This is important to create an incentive for companies to back off and let individuals enter the market. It would also drive prices down by lowering artificial demand created by these companies. Apartments would be forced to lower rent in order to compete with more easily accessible home ownership. Where…

Exactly what the title says… I think one of the main drivers of our repeated housing and economic crises is how real estate is gobbled up and controlled by large corporations.

There is a incredibly simple way to fix this, exponential modifier to yearly property tax, exponent will be the number of properties you own, so your first house purchase is taxed normally and every 2nd, 3rd and other house you purchase keeps getting more expensive every time. By the time you're up to 5+ properties the taxes are so high it's not worth your time even as a billionaire.

This is important to create an incentive for companies to back off and let individuals enter the market. It would also drive prices down by lowering artificial demand created by these companies. Apartments would be forced to lower rent in order to compete with more easily accessible home ownership.

Where does one even begin trying to implement this? Run for local office or something?

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