
Protesting doesn’t work, but targeted boycotts are effective and achievable.

Disclaimer: I am speaking from a US based perspective, my thoughts here are based on our current, unique situation and the particular hole we find ourselves in.  Protesting doesn't work. If it did, it would be illegal. For all their good intents, the Occupy and BLM movements accomplished little, if anything, in terms of systemic change. We are actually encouraged as people to “get out and protest” because it makes you feel like you are accomplishing something while those in power sit back and laugh.  Protests are also an opportunity for violence to erupt. All it takes is one bad actor from your side, an instigator from the other side, or a random troll from somewhere else to start pushing too hard and all hell breaks loose. Then the story gets confusing and it's hard to tell who started anything, so the news cycle can twist the story however they…

Disclaimer: I am speaking from a US based perspective, my thoughts here are based on our current, unique situation and the particular hole we find ourselves in. 

Protesting doesn't work. If it did, it would be illegal. For all their good intents, the Occupy and BLM movements accomplished little, if anything, in terms of systemic change. We are actually encouraged as people to “get out and protest” because it makes you feel like you are accomplishing something while those in power sit back and laugh. 

Protests are also an opportunity for violence to erupt. All it takes is one bad actor from your side, an instigator from the other side, or a random troll from somewhere else to start pushing too hard and all hell breaks loose. Then the story gets confusing and it's hard to tell who started anything, so the news cycle can twist the story however they want to keep us divided. This serves only to keep those in power right where they are. 

Another issue with protesting is that it is not sustainable long-term. Eventually, everyone has to go home. We do not have enough savings to outlast a massive corporation. And the logistics of even dealing with a short protest are a nightmare. For these same reasons, striking is also not feasible in this country. 

There is something we can do though. Targeted boycotting of a specific business. It is a tactic so effective that some (conspiracists) say it's the reason MLK was assassinated. I don't know about that, but Dr. King did come to understand this over time and realized that boycotting was the best way that the average person could influence real change.

We are usually painted this narrative that Dr. King made some passionate speeches about love and understanding, and that was finally what made people have a change of heart to usher in civil rights. The truth, however, is that our politicians were scared. They were scared of economic collapse at the prospect of massive boycotts of American businesses. And at the same time they were terrified at the possibility of a violent African-American revolution led by armed militias such as the Black Panthers. This is what actually causes change, but it gets watered down in history books and nearly forgotten.

Now, I am not advocating violence or suggesting we organize into militant groups. But boycotts can work and here's why:

-Hurt the company, not the workers. The regular employees still clock in for work and they still have to get paid for their time on the clock, even if the business itself loses money that day. 

-It is not too much strain on the average person. All you have to do is take your business elsewhere. 

-It doesn't even have to be 100% boycott, so long as the company's bottom line is affected. The board will have to answer to the shareholders why they suddenly aren't profitable anymore.

-Target one and others fall like dominos. Yes, there are many evil corporations, but we have to begin somewhere. And it will be much easier to make an example of one place, then simply move on to the next if they don't fall in line. Start with a single specific goal that can be achieved. Show people what is possible.

So what would this look like?

Example: Stop shopping at Walmart until they raise their minimum pay. Make a statement like the one below and post it everywhere. Print copies, spread it around, make sure everyone is aware.

“We the customers care more about your employees than you do. These are our neighbors, our church members, our friends and family. They deserve better. Because of this, we will be boycotting your establishment until you raise your minimum pay to $x across the board. The boycott will commence on (date) and continue indefinitely until you comply with this demand.”

/rant over

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