
Prove me wrong: Any industry that is critical to the function of a society – should be nationalized on a pro-rated basis of it’s criticality.

Any industry that has a component of criticality, should be measured for its true needs on a regular basis. That industry may have a criticality of 50%. This means that 50% capacity is critical, so that dictates the market on a temporal basis (let's say they measure that particular industy on a 4 year basis). A 50% criticality rating will nationalize at least 50% of that industry for that period of time. (I will not accept arguments that say: “It's too hard.” Because I am a computer scientist, and I have worked on priority scheduling – we can solve these problems.) Obviouslly we will have to have a way to divest when an industry looses criticality too. So for example the Railroad Freight industry: Let's say that diligent analysis leads to a criticality figure of 90%. This would mean that 90% of the railroad industry will be wholey owned by…

Any industry that has a component of criticality, should be measured for its true needs on a regular basis. That industry may have a criticality of 50%. This means that 50% capacity is critical, so that dictates the market on a temporal basis (let's say they measure that particular industy on a 4 year basis). A 50% criticality rating will nationalize at least 50% of that industry for that period of time. (I will not accept arguments that say: “It's too hard.” Because I am a computer scientist, and I have worked on priority scheduling – we can solve these problems.) Obviouslly we will have to have a way to divest when an industry looses criticality too.

So for example the Railroad Freight industry: Let's say that diligent analysis leads to a criticality figure of 90%. This would mean that 90% of the railroad industry will be wholey owned by the US Government. Lets call it “U.S.A. Federal Railroad”. This department, under the DOT, would own 90% of the capital infrastructure, and would employ 90% of employees that maintain and run the railroad system in the U.S.A. The employees would be government employees and never contractors (Thats just another way to cheat the people, we do not need a middleman.) These employees will be responsible for every aspect of Railroad Freight, all logistics, sales, marketing, and capital investments.

Let's talk about how this might work in various industries, like banking, communications, water, coal, oil, agriculture, etc.

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