
PSA don’t become friends with your boss

I am still reeling from my boss stabbing me in the back. She seemed cool, would take me to lunch, compliment my work efficiency, ask about my family. I was like wow someone in upper management who genuinely cares. How nice. Well, fast forward five years and one HR investigation later and my how quick she was to stab me in the back in the HR room. Blatant lies. I couldn’t believe it and was truly in shock. She ended up getting fired but the damage was done to my career and I had to leave my employer for my own mental health and start over a new career, which was not easy. I wish I’d had boundaries and not gotten close with her. I will forever be haunted by this and will never again allow myself to become close to my boss or even a colleague I am just…

I am still reeling from my boss stabbing me in the back. She seemed cool, would take me to lunch, compliment my work efficiency, ask about my family. I was like wow someone in upper management who genuinely cares. How nice. Well, fast forward five years and one HR investigation later and my how quick she was to stab me in the back in the HR room. Blatant lies. I couldn’t believe it and was truly in shock. She ended up getting fired but the damage was done to my career and I had to leave my employer for my own mental health and start over a new career, which was not easy. I wish I’d had boundaries and not gotten close with her. I will forever be haunted by this and will never again allow myself to become close to my boss or even a colleague I am just so jaded. I can’t get hurt again and can’t start over again middle age.

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