
Put in my 2 weeks notice after company gave impossible WFH requirements

I work for a multi billion dollar fortune 500 company which does regular layoffs and expects the remaining employees to pick up the slack. Earlier this year we were told to come back to the office 5 days a week, with no exceptions. Although it seemed bad, we were also told we could earn 2 days at home if we did our jobs well, which wouldn't be a problem for me. Months go by, and the company keeps feeding us this promise but still won't deliver. I finally had enough when they began to put us on written warnings for silly reasons. I was written up for having poor production in my numbers for September despite being pulled to another project, and another coworker expressed this same frustration to me. In a team meeting another coworker mentioned he was written up for being late, despite already working the later shift.…

I work for a multi billion dollar fortune 500 company which does regular layoffs and expects the remaining employees to pick up the slack. Earlier this year we were told to come back to the office 5 days a week, with no exceptions. Although it seemed bad, we were also told we could earn 2 days at home if we did our jobs well, which wouldn't be a problem for me.

Months go by, and the company keeps feeding us this promise but still won't deliver. I finally had enough when they began to put us on written warnings for silly reasons. I was written up for having poor production in my numbers for September despite being pulled to another project, and another coworker expressed this same frustration to me. In a team meeting another coworker mentioned he was written up for being late, despite already working the later shift. Another one was punished for doing OT after the allotted hours when we were never even given a timeframe until after she was caught. When reading the fine print of the write up, it mentioned we were not eligible for WFT for another 6 months. I've never been written up in my life before, and it seemed like a shady way to eliminate the WFH possibility, yet still keeping the “promise” to keep workers hopeful and extra productive.

At this point I began to seek out other opportunities with some success. I finally hit my breaking point last Thursday during a team meeting where some other coworkers became heated with these policies and write ups, to the point where one person had to walk out crying. I usually just sit in meetings zoning out. I was so burnt out I really didn't have much to add.

The following day I put in my notice and a supervisor wanted my opinion on how the company could do better. I told them they will never attract talent as they do not understand the desires of the modern workforce. She agreed with me, but she couldn't do much since our CEO pretty much thinks WFH is evil. I feel like I deserve better and I hope my remarks could change things for future employees but they probably won't. Sorry for the rant and thanks for reading.

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