
Put in my 2 weeks yesterday and was fired today

I’ve been casually job hunting since December when they demoted the hell out of me for being stressed over my dad’s third cancer diagnosis. Landed a pretty sweet job in another state and have been sorting out the move. Last night before leaving, I sent out my 2-week notice to HR and my managers. I had mentioned it to one manager and she seemed happy for me. We’re extremely swamped so I also offered to help out after my last day part-time until I physically left the state because I did like what I was doing and I like my coworkers. Rush into work this morning and have to immediately hit the ground running. Finally take my break around 12:30 and they pull me into the office to fire me. No reason given except that I’m leaving. Had to fight to get paid until what would’ve been my last day.…

I’ve been casually job hunting since December when they demoted the hell out of me for being stressed over my dad’s third cancer diagnosis. Landed a pretty sweet job in another state and have been sorting out the move. Last night before leaving, I sent out my 2-week notice to HR and my managers. I had mentioned it to one manager and she seemed happy for me. We’re extremely swamped so I also offered to help out after my last day part-time until I physically left the state because I did like what I was doing and I like my coworkers.

Rush into work this morning and have to immediately hit the ground running. Finally take my break around 12:30 and they pull me into the office to fire me. No reason given except that I’m leaving. Had to fight to get paid until what would’ve been my last day. They wanted to pay me for 2 days only.

This was incredibly disrespectful and I have absolutely been telling all my former coworkers about what happened to me. We’re all tossed between the big manager having a control issue or just being that much of an asshole.

Anyway, here’s on to bigger and better things! This whole incident really cemented that leaving was the best decision I could’ve made.

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