
Put my 2 weeks notice in

Long post. TL/DR quitting my job because of corporate fuckery and piss poor management. I currently work for a well known multinational auto glass replacement company as a glass technician. The job has really gone downhill, especially during the past 2 years or so. I was initially hired to be a full time Tues-Sat schedule, with Sundays and Mondays off, with the promise that I could switch to Mon-Fri with the occasional Sat once my child started going to school. It worked great at the time because we were saving quite a bit of money by only needing daycare for 4 days a week instead of 5. The store manager (henceforth known as SM) was strictly management. They did not do any of the actual installing. Normally, that would be fine, because they would handle answering the phones and deal with the customers so that we could keep out in…

Long post. TL/DR quitting my job because of corporate fuckery and piss poor management.

I currently work for a well known multinational auto glass replacement company as a glass technician. The job has really gone downhill, especially during the past 2 years or so. I was initially hired to be a full time Tues-Sat schedule, with Sundays and Mondays off, with the promise that I could switch to Mon-Fri with the occasional Sat once my child started going to school. It worked great at the time because we were saving quite a bit of money by only needing daycare for 4 days a week instead of 5.

The store manager (henceforth known as SM) was strictly management. They did not do any of the actual installing. Normally, that would be fine, because they would handle answering the phones and deal with the customers so that we could keep out in the shop knocking out installations. Except, SM was consistently not around: long lunch breaks, leaving early, etc. It got to the point where our lead technician (henceforth known as LT) would end up doing a significant portion of SM's job.

On top of never being around, SM was belligerent. They were notorious for being rude to customers, and more than a few times yelled at and berated us technicians. I know for a fact that we lost some major local accounts because of how SM treated people. We brought all this up with the district manager (henceforth known as DM) multiple times. Every single time, DM would promise us that something would be done about SM, and then they would drive back to their corporate office and proceed to not do anything. Our store was consistently one of the most profitable locations in the district, so DM would essentially bury their head in the sand and hope everything would solve itself.

A few months before my child was to start pre-school, I approached SM about their promise to switch me to Mon-Fri. Keep in mind that by this point, I'd worked almost every Saturday for over 3 years. SM feigned ignorance about it, saying they never made that promise, and refused to change my schedule. It took months of me pestering both SM and DM before they relented to a compromise of me only working every other Saturday instead.

SM also managed another shop about an hour and a half away from us. We would occasionally have to drive out there to help them out, as they were chronically overworked/understaffed. SM rarely stepped foot in that shop. About a year ago, the techs in that shop got fed up enough to all quit. Upper management's solution to this was to still refuse to remove SM, and roll their territory over to our shop. Drive time was always a big part of our job, but it was usually reasonable. Now we were having to deal with 5+ hours of just driving, on top of being expected to still do the same number of jobs per day.

A couple of months after that, LT gave DM the “Either take care of SM or I'm gone” ultimatum. DM once again did nothing, so LT put in his notice, and moved to a desk job across town. The rest of us refused to pick up SM's slack that LT used to handle, so less than a month went by before SM put their 2 week notice in.

We were finally free of SM, but now down a tech and without a manager, while still expected to maintain our normal productivity and the other shop's. Our 40-45 hour weeks quickly turned into 55-60 hour weeks. They stopped giving us a weekday off during the weeks we were scheduled to work Saturdays, which was now every other week for everyone.

It took them 3 or so months to hire and train a new store manager for us. In the meantime, the situation we were assured was “just temporary” has continued for over 6 months. We informed DM after the first few weeks that this pace was simply not sustainable, but to the shock of absolutely nobody, they haven't done anything to improve the situation.

A few weeks ago, LT called me up and asked if I knew anyone who was looking for a job, because their new job is looking to expand. I went in for an interview, and a couple weeks later was offered the position. I'll be making $1 less per hour, but will have my evenings and weekends back, and actually be able to take a real lunch break (as opposed to scarfing down my sandwich while driving to my next destination). I gave my 2 week notice that day (which was a Friday)

DM gives me the expected call the following Monday, asking if there was anything they could do to make me change my mind. Given their track record, I knew anything they offered would be empty promises. They seemed legitimately surprised when I refused their offer of a raise. When I informed them of the multiple reasons why I was quitting, DM had the fucking audacity to try and gaslight me into believing none of my reasons were legitimate.

My last day is this Friday. I can't wait to leave this corporate hellhole behind.

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