
Put my two weeks notice for a better opportunity

I need help on this decision I’m trying to make that can change my life for the greater good. I’m currently in a 4 year relationship that I want to turn into a marriage but I keep getting “ultimatums” if I go out further for work. My Gf doesn’t see eye-to-eye with my family based on things that SHE has done and always wants to pin it to be about me not caring about her feelings when each time I’ve came out to work she’s gone out behind my back, seen pictures with other guys and her girl friends, and plainly just not respecting me while I’m going out and making money to better navigate life’s problems with her. I want to have my own family meanwhile she tells me “ I cant leave my family like you, I love my siblings and being around my on” who I must…

I need help on this decision I’m trying to make that can change my life for the greater good. I’m currently in a 4 year relationship that I want to turn into a marriage but I keep getting “ultimatums” if I go out further for work. My Gf doesn’t see eye-to-eye with my family based on things that SHE has done and always wants to pin it to be about me not caring about her feelings when each time I’ve came out to work she’s gone out behind my back, seen pictures with other guys and her girl friends, and plainly just not respecting me while I’m going out and making money to better navigate life’s problems with her. I want to have my own family meanwhile she tells me “ I cant leave my family like you, I love my siblings and being around my on” who I must add lies for her and says she’s doing right by me and at the end is not. I’ve been away from my family and it’s never easy for me it’s mentally exhausting and takes a huge toll on me. I’ve been going crazy these last few weeks because where I work they are giving me shit hours and has me 16 hours away from home. I guess what I’m trying to ask is am I In the wrong for telling her she has to come when I’m literally begging her to? Should I be more considerate about her feelings when these last 4 years she hasn’t been about mine? I currently make 18$ an hour with 100$ perdiem and I’ve only been logging in 36-42 hours a week. Today I got suspended for not signing one stupid paper after I’ve been here for 8 months and have always been the first one in the field and the last one out, I have never called in or missed a day of work that wasn’t approved. This new job is offering me 26$ an hour and 135$ perdiem, doing the same like of work and after a few months I can get moved up to journeyman and make 36$ an hour. What in the f*** should I do?
I have my gf telling me she won’t come with me because she doesn’t get along with my sister when I’m telling her we are getting married and getting our own place. What am I supposed to do at this point? I’m so ready to just throw in the towel and give up in life, blue collar work will be the death of me for sure

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