
Putting in my 2 weeks tomorrow after receiving a start date with a better company. Any suggestions on how to pass the time over the next 10 business days?

I’m right in that sweet spot where I know I’m leaving my current job for greener pastures. But until that time comes, I’ll need some motivation to remain present over the next 10 work days. Give me all of your good senioritis office shenanigans & quitting stories/suggestions as I wait for my June start date. No one says I have to go the full 2 weeks….

I’m right in that sweet spot where I know I’m leaving my current job for greener pastures. But until that time comes, I’ll need some motivation to remain present over the next 10 work days. Give me all of your good senioritis office shenanigans & quitting stories/suggestions as I wait for my June start date. No one says I have to go the full 2 weeks….

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