for preface i live in utah and i have the MTHFR (C677T) gene mutation, which i assume not many people know about. in general it messes with my hormones, mineral levels, ability to intake and break down vitamins or medicines (mostly NSAIDS).
because of this i experience daily headaches that can transition into weeklong migraines, IBS like symptoms, anxiety and depression, aura sensitivities, and a number of smaller things.
i am having trouble getting my employers to believe me when i need to leave work early, which i try to make a rare occurrence. unfortunately me and my partner, who also has some health issues, work at the same place which has made the managers hold our absences against one another. we are both looking for other jobs, but i have this issue at every job i have. in highschool i had to take my stack of test results into my teachers as a way to prove my illnesses.
is there anything i might be able to qualify for in order to protect myself from termination or lost wages ? or something to show to employers when i start that i have some health issues ?