
Question about ESL in Cook County, IL.

I'm posting from my phone, so forgive the formatting. Despite my every effort, I have come down with Covid. Considering I desperately need money but honestly feel too horrible to work, I looked into what my options are in order to cover the days I absolutely can't work due to fever and pains. I honestly would prefer not to go in at all while positive, but I can't afford that unless I am covered by ESL. I work with vulnerable individuals, so I can't stress enough how much this is a moral struggle for me. I desperately need money to pay for bills and rent. I was told I could come back in so long as my symptoms aren't extreme, and I don't have a fever. Here is where my question comes in. According to my research, under the Coom County ESL Ordinance, I should be covered for earned sick…

I'm posting from my phone, so forgive the formatting.

Despite my every effort, I have come down with Covid. Considering I desperately need money but honestly feel too horrible to work, I looked into what my options are in order to cover the days I absolutely can't work due to fever and pains. I honestly would prefer not to go in at all while positive, but I can't afford that unless I am covered by ESL. I work with vulnerable individuals, so I can't stress enough how much this is a moral struggle for me. I desperately need money to pay for bills and rent. I was told I could come back in so long as my symptoms aren't extreme, and I don't have a fever.

Here is where my question comes in. According to my research, under the Coom County ESL Ordinance, I should be covered for earned sick leave. My supervisor, however, is telling me my place of word doesn't do paid sick leave for positive Covid employees. This doesn't make any sense to me, as nowhere in the exemptions in the Ordinance does anything come up about just… not doing it. I am in a union, but the time exemption doesn't apply to me, and nowhere in my agreement does it explicitly state I wave my rights to ESL.

What are my options here? I've never dealt with this sort of thing before, and I'm i ignorant of law lingo. Is there something I'm missing here? Nothing I read seems to apply to my situation beyond that by all accounts, I should be a covered employee.

I work 30 hr/week (maximum I'm allowed in my position), so I should definitely have enough to cover me until I test negative.

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